Список литературы
[1] | The MathWorks |
[2] | ETAS ASCET |
[3] | I-Logix |
[4] | dSPACE |
[5] | Paul A. Barnard. Software Development Principles Applied to Graphical Model Development. // AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, San Francisco, California, Aug. 15-18, 2005. (файл в формате pdf) |
[6] | Ranville S., Black P. Automated Testing Requirements - Automotive Perspective. // The Second International Workshop on Automated Program Analysis, Testing and Verification. 2001. (http://hissa.nist.gov/~black/Papers/autoTestReqsWAPATV.rtf) |
[7] | Conrad, M., Dörr, H., Schürr, A., Stürmer, I. Graph-Transformations for Model-based Testing. // GI-Lecture Notes in Informatics. 2002. N 12. P. 39-50. |
[8] | MathWorks Tools Help Land Unpiloted Boeing Spacecraft. MathWorks User Stories. (файл в формате pdf) |
[9] | Glesner S., Geiss R., Boesler B. Verified Code Generation for Embedded Systems. // Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 2002. 65. N 2. |
[10] | Grochtmann M., Grimm K. Classification-Trees For Partition Testing. // Software Testing, Verification and Reliability. 1993. N 3 (2). P. 63-82. |
[11] | Sturmer I. Integration of the Code Generation Approach in the Model-Based Development Process By Means Of Tool Certification. // Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science. 2004. Vol. 8 (2). P.1-11 |
[12] | С.В. Зеленов, С.А. Зеленова, А.С. Косачев, А.К. Петренко. Применение модельного подхода для автоматического тестирования оптимизирующих компиляторов // CIT Forum, 2003. |